Sunday, October 3, 2010

29th September 2010

Viewing DNA of a fruit

The lesson before this one, Mdm Riza told each of us to bring a either a banana or a strawberry as we needed to conduct a practical which was extracting DNA. On that day itself, although Mdm Riza emphasized to only bring bananas or strawberries, Alot of us bought different variety of fruits. These included apples, guavas, watermelons and others. Before conducting the practical, we were introduced to the topic DNA. We also got to listen to the DNA song.

Here are some things we went through:

- What does DNA stand for?
DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid

-What is the function of DNA?
It contains genetic materials that are used to make protein

Where is DNA found?
Inside the nucleus of every cell.

- What are proteins for?
To make different organs and tissues.

Here are the steps for viewing the DNA of the fruit:

1) Use about 1/4 of the fruit.

2) Place the fruit inside a ziplock bag.

3) Mash it up until there are no big pieces left. (to break down the cell membrane)

4) Add in 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoon of detergent. (to break down the nucleus wall)

5) Continue mashing it.

6) Let it settle for a while.

7) Pour a bit of it into a cylinder. Make sure no big pieces flow out.

8) Tilt the cylinder to 45 degrees and slowly pour in 10ml of alcohol.

This is how my DNA looks like:

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