Monday, September 27, 2010

27th September 2010

Viewing our cheek cells under the microscope!
Today, we started off the lesson by going through the notes about cells. We went through some examples of different tissues and organs. Afterwards, we went on to do a practical experiment. The experiment was about viewing our cheek cells under the microscope.
Here are the steps:
1) Using a toothpick, gently scrape the inside of your cheek
2) Spread the specimen on the glass slide.
3) Let it dry for about a minute.
4) Put a drop of iodine over the specimen.
5) Carefully place a piece of cover slip over the specimen.
6) Place the slide on the stage of the microscope
7) Adjust the coarse focus knob and objective lens to make the specimen clear for viewing.
1) Scrape cheek gently
2) Spread over slide

3) add a drop of iodine

4) cover specimen with cover slip

5) Place specimen under microscope

6)What you will expect to see:

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