Tuesday, August 17, 2010

16th August 2010

3) (i) After todays practical experiment, I know how to separate solutions using the method distillation. Mdm Riza showed us experiment on distillation.
The apparatus needed were:
-bunsen burner
-tripod stand
-solution of syrup amd water
-conical flask
- The water first boils from the mixture in the beaker and then then turns into a gaseous state after being heated.
- The water vapour then condenses in the condenser.
- It flows down the condenser and then into the conical flask.
(ii) Chromatography is used to separate coloured substances like ink or dye. We conducted an experiment on chromatography by ourselves today.
The apparatus needed were:
- chromatography paper
- test tube holder
- test tube
- solvent
- ink
- cork
- Draw a horizontal line across the breadth of the chromatography paper about 3 cm from the bottom.
- Fill the test tube with a height of 2 cm of solvent
- Place the chromatography paper into the tast tube
- Cover the test tube with the cork
- Place the test tube on the test tube holder and wait for the colour of the ink to change.
(iii) During todays experiment, we used the learning method of predicting, observing and explaining. I think this is a good learning technique as it can let us think of what the topic is before going deeper in depth.
2) (i) Is the syrup left in the beaker after it boils?
(ii) Can we use other types of paper besides chromatography paper to carry out the experiment?
1) Distillation can be used when we don,t have water with us besides sea water to obtain pure water.

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